About hotel Klimetica

Hotel Klimetica offers you unforgettable moments spent in a natural setting. Situated in a dense pine forest, in the immediate vicinity of Lake Ohrid, only 4 km. distance from the city of Ohrid in the tourist settlement St. Stefan, Klimetica is an ideal place for rest and relaxation. In the immediate vicinity of the hotel there is the cave church St. Stefan which is a rarity monument of culture. The atmosphere you will catch, outside of the city noise, mix of pure mountain air and lake beauty will make you feel fresh and energized. Carefully selected details and color of the hotel’s interior give an impression of refinement. Here, the friendly staff offers you a real sense of welcome.

The hotel has 41 luxuriously furnished rooms (double and triple) and 4 apartments. Each room is equipped with: cable TV, mini bar, direct telephone line, 24 hours free internet connection (wireless coverage), air conditioning.
We have a spacious lobby equipped with bar, TV, and WIFI connection. The lobby allows you to enjoy a beautiful view of the Ohrid Lake. A fountain garden that will attract your attention to drink your morning coffee.

During your stay, enjoy the taste and diversity of the national, international and vegetarian food served at the restaurant. The restaurant has a capacity of 300 seats and a summer terrace of 100 seats. Our restaurant is also accessible for organized events and celebrations such as cocktails, celebrations, weddings and other family and business festivities.

The hotel has two seminar halls with a capacity of 70 and 30 seats, equipped with: LCD projector, laptop, internet, flip chart board, projection screen, billboards, TV, DVD, photocopier, fax, scanner.
We organize seminars, congresses, business meetings and preparations for sports teams. We offer you comfort and comfort – a wonderful place for rest and relaxation as well as sharing pleasant moments. We organize seminars, business meetings and international congresses.

Соби во хотел Климетица

Double Room BB (Klimetica)

  • Occupancy: 2 Person(s)
  • Size: 20-25 sqm
  • View: Lake

Double Room HB (Klimetica)

  • Occupancy: 2 Person(s)
  • Size: 20-25 sqm
  • View: Lake

Single Room BB (Klimetica)

  • Occupancy: 1 Person
  • Size: 15-20 sqm
  • View: Lake
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